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Coffee Talk

This morning my gran visited our house and pretended to be sick when I drank some iced coffee. We laughed together because her reaction caused me to sputter and spill some of the coffee, but I had to ask her: "Is it because it's cold, or because it's coffee?"

Ultimately, she decided both. But mostly because it's coffee... And that got me thinking: No one, not even in my extended family, are coffee drinkers. I come from a family of tea drinkers, and even if some of my family do drink coffee sometimes, no one picks coffee for their main drink. It's always tea! And so I asked her if she knew where I got my love of coffee from, because my mom exclusively drinks tea, so does my gran, and my dad doesn't drink either of them!

And then it hit us both. My grandpa! He was the coffee drinker in the family.

Johnny, my grandpa, died in 2012. He suffered from MND and died in his sleep. It's difficult to put into words just how special he was not only to me and my family, but to my whole tiny Scottish village altogether. Damn near everyone in the village showed up to his funeral, and he was (and still is) very loved. I say all of this because it touched me a lot this morning to know that I still have this connection to him through coffee. Me and my grandpa, the coffee drinkers of the family, sharing a good cup of coffee in the morning together. Every time I drink coffee now I think of him, and I like to imagine he's drinking with me.

Maybe one day I'll drink it black like he did!